Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Matter is the Stuff Around You

Matter is everything around you. Matter is anything made of atoms and molecules. Matter is anything that has a mass.
                                 Matter can be divided into :
   Pure substance                        &                       Mixture
       can be divided into :                            can be divided into :

Element   &    Compound                    Homogeneous  &    Hetergeneous                             
(Element is made of atoms)                           (Homogeneous uniform throughout)
(Compound is made of elements)                  (Hetergeneous isnt uniform)

Element can be divided into :                  
Metal, metaloid and non-metal

Compound can be divided into :
Ionic and covalent

Elements and compounds can move from one physical state to another and not change = physical change
For example : Oxygen (O2) as a gas still has the same properties as liquid oxygen. The liquid state is colder and denser but the molecules are still the same.

If the formula of water were to change, that would be a chemical change = chemical change
For example : If you added another oxygen atom, you would make hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Its molecules would not be water anymore.

More properties of matter :
Matter is commonly said to have 3 states

1. SOLID------rigid
 Don't change shape easily experiences small changes in volume when heated.

Takes the shape of the container and experiences slight changes in volume when heated.

 3 . GAS
Takes the shape of the container and experiences dratic
 in volume when heated

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