Thursday, October 28, 2010


So last class we learned about sig figs, the last digit is always uncertain, there're 3 rules in sig figs, they're: leading zeros aren't counted (0.01); trailing zeros after the decimal point are counted (10.050); trailing zeros without a decimal point ARE NOT counted (12000). we also learned about exact numbers, some quantities, they have certain amount with no rounding and they have definite sig figs.
We also have different rules for rounding (1. look at digit after position of rounding; 2. >5, round up; 3. <5, same value; 4. =5, if more non zero digits after 5, round up; =5, ends with 5, round it "even")

GOLDEN RULE: (aka differences between adding and subtracting with multiplying and dividing)

1. Adding and subtrating------------> round to fewest number of DECIMAL PLACES.
2. Multiplying and dividing----------> round to fewest number of SIG FIGS.

After studying about the sig figs, I found it not that difficult because I have done some of that in my physics class. Maybe that is why I have some basics with this material.

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